The Garden

The Garden

In the garden, there grows rows and rows of flowers. All different types, colors, shapes, and sizes. There were pink hues here, and red hues there. Blue hues over there, and green hues beyond the pink hues. Sunflowers lay here while the daisies were across from the red hues. Red roses lined the daises. Lemon balm stood beside the Lucile’s glory-of-the-snow. It was a splendid garden as it was full of beauty and wonder!

One day, a man from the village came to the garden. He called to the gardener and asked,

“Which of these flowers is the prettiest?”

The gardener replied, “All of them sir.”

But the man was confused, so he called the farmer.

“Which of these flowers is the prettiest?”

“Every last one of these little things,” said the farmer.

The man began to grow annoyed. After all, he only wanted the prettiest flower in the garden! He didn’t know why it was such a complicated question for the village people. In his distress, he called a young girl from the school.

“Miss,” he called, “Which of these flowers is the prettiest?”

The girl laughed, “Why, that’s a silly question, sir!”

The man grew more annoyed by the second. “I just want the prettiest flower, little girl. Answer my question,” he shouted.

The girl replied, “Sir, each flower is beautiful in its way.”

“What do you mean,” asked the man.

“Each of these flowers is different. Every flower is beautiful in its own way.”

He never thought of that in his life! He looked around the garden and noticed that no flower was like the other. Not even the same species of flower was the same! Some were short, others tall. Bent or unbent. Some brighter than others. White and yellow or yellow and white. Each flower was its own!

“You’re saying every flower here is the prettiest? Not one is prettier than the other?”

“Exactly,” exclaimed the young girl. “Each flower is its own, and each is beautiful!”

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I’m Nadia

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